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LABAL Blogger Family

Blogger Family is our way of being close to you, 
to meet you and that others know your little big things.
Is the perfect platform for you to gain more exposure and grow your blog readership.
You Inspire our community.

If one or two of your posts are selected and published on our blog, you will be awarded the Guest Blogger title. This title comes with an exclusive badge for your blog and a personalized tag that will link to all of your posts. If 3 or more of your posts are published on our blog, you will be awarded the Ambassador title. The Ambassador title comes with the same priviledge than Guest Blogger title, and a permanent spot on our Family Blogger page. You will also receive a 15% discount coupon for every 3 published posts.The content you provide will be visible to all of our blog followers and will be marketed on our Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest profiles as we see fit.

What kind of posts should you submit?
We have listed examples underneath each category, but you are not limited to these examples. We encourage and welcome creativity!. 
We accept new content as well.  

 Your wedding photos  Diy wedding favors an decor  Your engagement story
 Wedding trend reports  How you and your significant other feel in love

 Gardening  Flower arrangements

 Your photos of special places  Hidden Restaurants  Boutique Hotels

 Recipes  Things to do at home

How can you become a member of the Blogger Family?Submit your post to blog@shoplabal.com. Please send the text in the email body, include a category title in the subject line, and add photos as attachments. If we select your post, we will contact you and make you a member!